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作者: 来源:国际部 发布时间:2018年09月29日 点击数:911 字号:【

Perseverance elevates. Dear listeners, this is the International Department of Foreign Language School Attached to Guangxi Normal University. I am Duncan. Here is the news of last week.



1)Typhoon Mangkhut made it to China Sunday; it made landfall in Guangdong at around 1 PM. We hope that everyone in the affected regions is OK.



2)Wednesday afternoon, 30 students from the International Department participated in the volleyball race competition.



3)Thursday afternoon, the International Department participated in the 50m relay. Through cooperation and team effort, the International Department ranked the eighth place.



4)On Thursday evening, the International Department held the orientation for USAD, TEN80, and NEC. This semester, the International Department will host their first academic research project, involving Grade 10, Grade 11, and Grade 12. This is crucial for college application.

9月13日晚,国际部举行“USAD全美学术十项全能挑战赛”,“TEN80美国STEM大联盟杯挑战赛(National STEM League) ”,“NEC全美经济学挑战赛”等国际竞赛说明会。丰富和独特的课外活动有利于学生申请优质大学,国际部为学生们提供的大量课外社团活动,也将作为重要的部分记录进学生的成绩报告中。学生通过课外活动有机会参与各类研究项目、领导力培养项目、团队建设体验、演出以及学术竞赛等。


5)On Friday, the International Department conducted a placement test for USAD. Those who pass will have the opportunity to sign up for USAD training.



And here are the major events for this week:

1)Monday morning, first morning meeting of the new semester will be held at the lecture hall.

2)Friday afternoon, there will be the parent-teacher conference for Grade 11.

3)USAD club recruitment.

4)Basketball tournament for this semester starts.



1. 9月17日上午,举行本学期第一期晨会。

2. 9月21日下午,国际部举行2018-2019年秋季学期高二年级家长会。

3. USAD社团招募。

4. 阳光体育节篮球联赛,具体时间由体育组通知确定。


Dear listeners, that is all for today. Thank you for listening. We will be back next Tuesday at 10 AM. Goodbye!




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