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作者:李沛沛 来源:Class 169 发布时间:2015年09月28日 点击数:1198 字号:【
Class 169 李沛沛 Perhaps your failure is a shame, a hope dashed. Months of hard training and hopes go down the drain in a twinkling of an eye. It makes you depressed, but try to see if you worked hard for the moment. With tears in his ey
Class 169 李沛沛 Perhaps your failure is a shame, a hope dashed. Months of hard training and hopes go down the drain in a twinkling of an eye. It makes you depressed, but try to see if you worked hard for the moment. With tears in his eyes we don’t think so. You are courageous. You are strong. You use your determination to complete your task. We are proud to see the success or failure in life. We should start all over again. Fighting!

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