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作者:王芝楠 来源:Class 187 发布时间:2015年09月28日 点击数:1308 字号:【
Class 187 王芝楠 Fighting! You may be nervous before the game. You may be shed many sweat when you struggle in the field. You may hurt. You may burst into tears. But you dont give up. Because when you run to the end, someone will cheer f
Class 187 王芝楠 Fighting!
You may be nervous before the game.
You may be shed many sweat when you struggle in the field.
You may hurt.
You may burst into tears.
But you don’t give up.
Because when you run to the end, someone will cheer for you there.
When you get hurt, someone will send you to the infirmary immediately.
We will encourage you, hug you.
We will cry with you, laugh with you.
So, our brave athletes!
Don’t be afraid!
Just believe in yourselves and show you best to us!

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